Sunday, December 19, 2010

Reverb - Heal

Today's Reverb10 Prompt: Healing. What healed you this year? Was it sudden, or a drip-by-drip evolution? How would you like to be healed in 2011?  (Author: Leonie Allan)

Where do I even begin?

I healed myself.  I am healing myself.

At the same time, I do believe we are perfect, whole, and Divine all the time.  We tend to forget this on our human journey, then strive to clear away the "muck" to get back to Divine.

My friends, my true soul connections, my garden, the moonlight, music, the time to just be and breathe ... all this things were huge factors in healing myself.  Without these things, I would be much crazier right now.  2010 was my year of a LOT of things, non-necessities, being stripped away.  While the stripping away was usually quick and fast, the healing from it was verrrrry slow, drip by drip, and I could even feel the drips slowly pulling away the rough hard edges.

It was glorious.

I am grateful every day for these moments.  (Well, except for those "moments" (ie weeks) were I had a hard time functioning or even breathing, was so wrapped up in emotions and overwhelm and stuckness.)  I wouldn't change any of it.

In 2011 I intend to continue my own healing, in all ways, but with much more EASE and grace.  No more of this "let me whack you upside the head" crap.  My main intention is to heal my belief that I am not worthy (of love, of money, of speaking my truth).  When I truly look at what holds me back in various ways, it boils down that one thing.  Amazing what "one thing" can affect.

But I am grateful for it all, for the Big Learnings. 

(And yay for my inspirationalfriend Leonie's prompt! She rocks.)

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