Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reverb - 11 Things

Today's Reverb10 Prompt: 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?  (From Sam Davidson)

I hereby announce that in 2011 I no longer need:

  1. To NOT Open My Heart. While I have always been open hearted, I have been very guarded and cautious lately. No more.
  2. To be afraid of going out into the big wide "mainstream" world as ME. This includes going out with friends (new and old) to bars, clubs, art galleries, studios, music venues, and other places to just have FUN.
  3. To define myself by my loss and changes in 2010. No more. Moving Forward.
  4. Fear of not doing enough. I always feel behind. In everything. I will realize that NOW is all I have and it's all divinely timed.
  5. To feel limited by my profession. The "metaphysical" world doesn't fit me any longer. That doesn't mean that I do not do "metaphysical" things or have the interest. It means I want to expand where my focus goes and not feel so defined as "new age" or just an "energy healer". I am also a writer, social media wanna-be, blogger, artist, event planner, magzine editor, jewelry designer, foodie, gardener, crafter, handmade wannabe, yogi, and MORE.
  6. To spend too many hours (yes, hours) reading blogs, emails, websites, teleclasses, playing Frontierville, or other online actions that do not uplift my soul. Really. Done.
  7. Fear of deserving and having money. There are so many ways I have sabotaged myself since childhood. I see this clearly Now, and know deep in my heart that there is MORE to life for me in ALL ways and to live my full amazing beautiful life I need to FEEL within myself that I deserve this life I dream of. And that takes money. Money is not evil. Money is good. There IS enough to go around. I do not live in a recession, I create all that I need NOW. Thanks.
  8. To skip out on what makes me happy. Many times I will not do what makes me happy, usually for silly reasons like I don't want to drive there, it's too cold outside, I don't have the money, I have to go alone, etc. I want to do it ALL.
  9. To doubt that I deserve romantic love. I AM SINGLE AND AVAILABLE. (Shit that was hard to type!) Yes, I may have "issues" and a different life, but we all do. There IS someone out there for me. He just hasn't shown up yet. I deserve it. I want it. I (looked at the clock just now and it's 11:11 pm!) am consciously calling in my divine soul partner NOW. You all know where to reach me if you have someone in mind.
  10. Clutter in my office. Ugh. Enough already! I WILL find the time and energy to clear it all out!
  11. To doubt that I am a beautiful, divine, brilliant, feminine, sexy, powerful WOMAN. Because I am.
Getting rid of these things will bring me closer to the full amazing human that I really truly am!  (And so are you!)

Whoo hoo!

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