Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pay It Foward

Thanks to my friend Brenda I heard about Pay It Foward. It sounds pretty simple, the first 3 people who comment on my blog will receive something handmade from me, if they in turn will do the same thing, see the rules below.

Pay it forward rules: I will send a handmade gift (jewelry or mist) to the first 3 people who leave a Comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange (and email me their mailing address), and who make the same pledge on their own blogs. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward meaning you will do the same for three people who comment on your posting on your blog.

Whoo hoo! How fun!


  1. Hi there! I have been a silent reader for about a month, and I'm planning on coming to the expo this weekend to check out your crystals.

    I'll pay it forward, probably in the form of herbal bath teas!

  2. I just found your blog via Luna C Bead & have alwasy been too late for the other Pay It Forward offers I have seen, so I am pleased to have found one with room for me to play - I'm intrigued by your post about the million dollar blog. I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking, so think I will go join this experiment as well, thank you for sharing it ;9
