Sunday, March 28, 2010

quick update

Hey just a quick little update, since a few people expressed concern after my last post. 

Life is okay.  Really, despite being a caregiver for mom during her cancer, I feel pretty balanced and ... okay.  I could totally go into the pain and challenges of what's happening with it all, but there really is no point.  We just take one day at a time and go with the flow.  Each day is a new day, we just go with how life or her body is feeling, and we know that eventually there will be pure health, vitality, and wholeness again.  She recently spent 3 days in the hospital because of superlow white blood count, so there is a hyper-aware state that I'm in to keep her as healthy as possible.  I won't get into details of her current state, but she has her last chemo session this Friday (April 2, starting at 9 am until about 3 pm, so ALL prayers and distance healing work is very much appreciated), then we regroup to see how much of the tumor is left and if there are other options to move to afterwards.  We are pretty thankful for all the great staff and doctors at Unity and the clinics and everyone offering prayers and healing until we are through all this crap.  (Even though its crap, we are all learning a heck of a lot!)

BUT ... despite all this, I am still working behind the scenes on a few new things for Crystalline Light and Whispers of Spirit.  I am offering energy healing sessions at Spirit River in Anoka by appointment and have a few products there (more are coming soon), there are a bunch of new classes scheduled, new jewelry is being created, new services are being coming, and I really do feel a new state of being and expansion for Crystalline Light.  I just need TIME to get it all together.  I am not exhibiting at any local Metro expo's or shows any longer, though there might be one or two small events this fall where I'll be.  There are smaller shows I am travelling to all over the midwest, so keep an eye out for me there.  If you want to shop in person, just contact me for an appointment to come to my home office.

I so so so appreciate all my friends and facebook fans and supporters, and know that eventually business and life AND my blog will be "back on track" into something new and amazing.

Rock on, my friends!!

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