Sunday, August 22, 2010

getting clear

Soooo, that stuff I wrote earlier about my passion returning....


Didn't last long.

    But it was great while it did.

It's just the name of the game these days.

Nothing lasts forever.

There is a whole new slew of stuff that is "up" for people right now, and even though we say stuff like

"this is the time for clearing what you don't need any more"
"the energies right now are a doozy" (and it's 11:11 on my clock right now, just FYI)
"it's just an intense time!"

It's all TRUE in every moment it is stated, but I am learning that it is NEVER the LAST time it'll be said.

We will be processing, clearing, releasing, balancing, blahblahblah until we are dead.

     Get used to it.

I know it sounds brutal, but really, think about it, we're human.  Not only do we have this lifetime of emotional attachments, issues, beliefs, thoughts, to clear that are not beneficial to our life, but we are also clearing MANY MANY other lifetimes -- OODLES of them -- RIGHT NOW IN THIS LIFETIME.


That's hard!

BUT ....

that does NOT mean we won't get to a place of JOYFUL, HAPPY, BALANCED, CALM, PEACEFUL, BLISSFUL lives.


We HAVE to!


I personally HAVE felt it, even if for brief moments or weeks.  But it was THERE, and I can hang on to that feeling of amazing freedom and LOVE with all my will to keep me going.

AND ... I have amazing friends who keep me filled with peptalks and Love.  Thank freakin' god.

That, and True Blood.

Really keeps me sane.

The emotional sideswipes can be a challenge, but if we remember to just keep breathing, stay centered in Love and not go into fear, and then really go WITHIN ourselves - not outside of ourselves to our guides or higher self or teacher/healer/intuitive reader - for answers and support, it gets easier.  The inner emotional work isn't easy, we really have to look closely at why this sideswipe/issue/emotional outburst is staring us in the face, follow the thread back to where it came from, and then clear it ourselves through surrounding it with love, seeing it as a gift that has served us at one point in our lives, and releasing it's physical/emotional/mental/spiritual hold on us.  We don't need beliefs or thoughts that hold us back from our True Self, which is always gloriously Divine, Whole, Perfect, and Love.  The hardest work we can do is clear our "stuff", but it IS also the most rewarding knowing we did it and can move on.

All that being said (and it was so not planned to write all that, apparently it needed to be said!) ... we are in Mercury Retrograde right now.  The typical view of this is that all communications go wonky, computer and phone issues act up, etc etc.  True.  But not the whole story.

This is a FANtastic time to GO WITHIN.  

(Oh, hmmmm, wasn't I just reading about that somewhere??)

It is time to retreat, rest, reevaluate, etc, as Evolutions so eloquently states (LOVE her blog).  Clear up any projects that are holding you up, get your ducks in a row, be diligent about making room for new things, EVEN if you have NO freakin' clue what that is yet!  Believe me, I am so taking this one to heart and really looking at where I have to clear things up - as the Universe so totally smacked me upside the head with it a few days ago in a way that was shocking and can't be ignored - and as hard as it's going to be, I feel like the past few months have really prepared me to step up and deal with it without being a total freak out.  (Okay, I might freak a little bit, but not as much.)  Some day, there really is a BOOK coming out of this year's events and upheavals, I know there is, or maybe it's just my ego wanting some stroking after all the sh*t of 2010 that I had to endure.

Oh wait.  Not endure.  That I CREATED.


Stupid stupid me.

I want to see the contract I signed long ago, I am pretty sure it is FORGED by some other soul that thought she'd play a pretty good joke this lifetime.  


So not laughing.

But I digress.  On SOME level, I really am grateful for this time, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  The stuff I am learning and being is amazing.  Despite all the crap, there are HUGE gifts.

My reminder to you right now is to hold the faith, hold the light, meditate within as often as you can, breathe in Love, and be true to your heart.

And then go do a big silly dance in your front yard at noon.

Okay, or 2 am, your choice.

I did.

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