Tuesday, April 01, 2008

i'm moved in!!

After the shovelling from the snowstorm yesterday I didn't get out the door as fast as I wanted to, but we got to IKEA for shelves, then finally to the office! Here is the process ....

I spent a large part of the day clearing the energies, as it feels thick and weird. Got a clearing grid set up (bottom photo), plus a selenite lamp and salt lamp to clear more, and lots of sprays, of course. Saturday when no one else is in the building we'll probably smoke it up with sage. Anyhow, I have a lot more to do, getting my desk there, artwork up, doors on my shelf, and have to find another comfy chair. (Although I did describe what I wanted to my mom, and about an hour later we saw it at HomeGoods for only $99, but I'm not crazy about the upholstery.)Thursday Kathy & I are hanging out all day to get the showroom's shelf put together (the white wiry one with glass shelves), rearrange her office and the lobby, and to smother it with love and lots of light!

BUT the small amount of time I did spend there today, I felt very excited about the future and all the new things to create. It will be so very nice to have a space away from my home, and I think I'll be able to manage my time better to do more FUN things!

blessings to all!

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