Monday, July 06, 2009

symptoms and energies

Monday, July 6, 2009

Did you survive the Solstice energies? It's been a doozy of a few weeks energetically, so up and down of feeling great one day then nasty tired and cranky the next. Okay maybe that's just me. It has been better for me since Solstice, I seemed to move through it the first part of June. Everyone's timing is different, as are "symptoms". This is a time when I am hearing from a lot of people about being reeeeeealllly tired (naps are good), feeling like everything is being stripped away from us (even if we asked for it), our bodies are going through a major 'upgrade' of wanting more health, we can feel something new, creative, and amazing coming soon, but we have no clue what it is, so in the meantime we feel a need to just step back to reevaluate what gives us life and "juice" and what doesn't (then hopefully letting go of what doesn't give us joy).

Know you aren't alone and there is always support. Aluna Joy had great information on all this from the Star Elders:

Part of my own personal process has been so deep and wide that I haven't been able to do some of the things that I normally love to do. I have just had to STOP everything, including exhibiting at expo's (for now, am returning in a new form soon), classes, webcasts, blogging, etc, and have found myself doing more BEING, visiting with friends, travelling to new places (physically and internally!), and just doing what feels GOOD right NOW, instead of what my brain says I should do. It's a challenge some days, but it feels great. There are new creative jucies just under the surface ready to pop out soon in new glorious ways, so my intent is to share here more often, even if just a few lines. We all need support and our personal stories can be so helpful.

Happy July everyone!

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