Monday, January 19, 2009

smudging the White House

Just had to share what I read on

I will be smudging photo's of the White House myself! :)

I heard about this on the Rachel Maddow show (MSNBC) last night, as well! As I understand it, a group of Native Americans, a Rabbi, and others will be gathering on Monday evening at 6 p.m. EASTERN time, 5 pm CENTRAL time, to do a smudging ceremony in Washington to cleanse the White House, in preparation for the new energy to move in. Since they can't smudge the White House in person, they have picked a different location and will use the power of their intentions to direct the ceremony.

If you don't have any herbs to burn (see below), you can just use your intentions and prayers to join in the cleansing!

Happy new beginnings!

Native Peoples around the world, traditionally, cleanse the land and a place before starting anew or rebuilding. I invite you to participate in this international event to release the old spirits from the White House to make way for the new.

"Smudging of the White House"
during Sundown (between 5 and 6 PM Eastern Time)
on Martin Luther King Day
Monday, the 19th of January, 2009

You can participate in this event from anywhere in the world... encourage you to share this event with friends, and to create your own ceremony....

You can download your own pictures of White House from About.Com:Washington,DC thru the following link:

Share your intentions and Hopes for the future of the White House, then cleanse the White House ... use the herbs you are most comfortable with.... White Sage, Cedar, Mugwort, Rosemary, Wormwood, Lavendar... they are all helpful.

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