Saturday, June 12, 2010


This summer feels like its flying by already, and its not even officially summer for another week!

I want to
  • hear lots of live music, especially outside at dusk and under the stars with my friends
  • have a roaring fire bigger than ever out in the middle of nowhere with the people I love
  • live fearlessly in all ways
  • visit the Chef Shack as often as possible
  • create from my heart the deepest imaginings
  • listen to a chorus of crickets
  • visit Mickey's Diner, the Lexington, the Children's Museum, the Science Museum & all the other things in my awesome city that I have never experienced yet
  • be passionate
  • express with truth and love
  • take a riverboat cruise on the Mississippi
  • laugh until I have to pee
  • meet new people who are creative fun spiritual & open
  • be free
  • blow bubbles with my niece for her to dance through
  • not worry about the What If's
  • act upon the What If's and discover freedom
  • experience deep pure authentic JOY
  • visit with old friends
  • walk along the river holding his hand
  • be who I truly am
  • visit Mr Little Guy 
  • creating health
  • getting back to my yoga class
  • be spontaneous in doing new activities around this fantastic city (cities) I live in
  • hop in my car to travel to new places on the spur of the moment
  • scream shout dance move shake jiggle jive groove rock out until I fall to the ground
  • lay in the green grass counting stars
  • be in the present moment 
  • take my nephews individually to somewhere new
  • visit the MN Landscape Arboretum and other public gardens
  • drink in the colors and life of my own urban garden
  • walk on the north shore beach as close to canada as possible
  • share all my amazing experiences and truths
  • get really drunk and not care
  • explore new places
  • take more steps to create the business i really want to share
  • open to new experiences
  • feel my being explode with happiness

Etcetera etcetera etcetera ...............


Amen, so be it!!

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