Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog~

Oh how I miss you.  I am so sorry I have neglected you of late.  Our love is not over by any means, as I would never leave you.  I think about you every day, almost every moment when we are not together.  A series of circumstances has simply prevented me from visiting with you daily as I so desire.  My life outside of you is complex and shifting, lacking inspiration, and in dire DIRE need of a vacation, and yet at the same time, living in the moment and filled with many moments of pure joy.  I am torn, since I do wish to share all my experiences with you, but at this time, I feel drained beyond repair (which I know is not true) and am seeking respite, renewal, joy, comfort, and most importantly, summer fun.

It may not be long, and while I am away, if I should happen to find another pretty sparkly blog to commune with, it is not a lack of love for you, it is just a need to expand and see where my Love can flow with more passion.

When the time is right, I will return to you in my full glory and inspiration, transformed back into ME!  And we can live happily ever after for eternity together.

Yours truly and forever, with deep gratefulness of all you offer my expression and joy~

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice!!

It is a dooooozy of a day!  There are so many energies running through me right now that I cannot even start to name or go into them.  It is such a potent day on so many levels, and quite amazing we can all function normally.  In the next few days I will try to write about it more, because it is taking ALL I have to do just this update.  LOL

Just remember, keep breathing, stay in your heart, and don't limit yourself to what you "know."  Our experiences and realities are so much more than we can comprehend.  And ALLOW yourself to just BE, to experience LIFE (we are human after all, there is so much juiciness to be had, even the "bad" stuff of sitting in a hospital room with your ill mother for the 6th time in 6 months, 3rd weekend in a row), and to PLAY!

EnJOY the summer, EnJOY YOU, and keep shining!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010


As I was driving to the healing pines of northern Minnesota today I was hearing information about potentials.  There are SO many potentials available right now, and all of them are correct.  None of them are 'wrong'.  Choosing what feels best for us personally is the only route to go.

And then I read this when I was checking my blogs at the hotel just now:

Uriel always is inspiring.

Have a great weekend and happy dad's day!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


This summer feels like its flying by already, and its not even officially summer for another week!

I want to
  • hear lots of live music, especially outside at dusk and under the stars with my friends
  • have a roaring fire bigger than ever out in the middle of nowhere with the people I love
  • live fearlessly in all ways
  • visit the Chef Shack as often as possible
  • create from my heart the deepest imaginings
  • listen to a chorus of crickets
  • visit Mickey's Diner, the Lexington, the Children's Museum, the Science Museum & all the other things in my awesome city that I have never experienced yet
  • be passionate
  • express with truth and love
  • take a riverboat cruise on the Mississippi
  • laugh until I have to pee
  • meet new people who are creative fun spiritual & open
  • be free
  • blow bubbles with my niece for her to dance through
  • not worry about the What If's
  • act upon the What If's and discover freedom
  • experience deep pure authentic JOY
  • visit with old friends
  • walk along the river holding his hand
  • be who I truly am
  • visit Mr Little Guy 
  • creating health
  • getting back to my yoga class
  • be spontaneous in doing new activities around this fantastic city (cities) I live in
  • hop in my car to travel to new places on the spur of the moment
  • scream shout dance move shake jiggle jive groove rock out until I fall to the ground
  • lay in the green grass counting stars
  • be in the present moment 
  • take my nephews individually to somewhere new
  • visit the MN Landscape Arboretum and other public gardens
  • drink in the colors and life of my own urban garden
  • walk on the north shore beach as close to canada as possible
  • share all my amazing experiences and truths
  • get really drunk and not care
  • explore new places
  • take more steps to create the business i really want to share
  • open to new experiences
  • feel my being explode with happiness

Etcetera etcetera etcetera ...............


Amen, so be it!!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


My mom had her spleen removed yesterday.  It was the final step in her 6+ month journey of spleen lymphoma, and we and the doctor are completely confident that this is IT.  My brother and I are just hanging out with mom in her hospital room today, and the above scene - mom on the phone, two nurses doing vitals and pain meds, and my brother crashed out SNORING, oblivious to the activity around him - was just too funny not to share. 

And the funny part is, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I feel so blessed, so grateful that mom is on her way to health, so grateful that my brother is hanging around longer than I actually am, and so grateful that
we are all together.  (Dad was here, had to go back to Atlanta this morning.)

Life is good.

Friday, June 04, 2010

sessions with Patrick

Yep, been on a little blogbreak, as life is busy and filled with juiciness.  Back soon.

But want to share the info about my friend Patrick's next visit ....

New Moon Manifesting Guided Meditation & Channeling in ST PAUL with Patrick Sterenchuk

Friday, June 11
7 - 9:30 pm

at private residence in ST PAUL
(near Como Park, address given upon RSVP)
Space is limited, so PLEASE RSVP before June 9 to Jennifer at 651-705-6760 or (and you need to get the address)
Experience an hour guided meditation, a short break (bring snacks to share, if you wish), and then an hour channeling. The guided meditation will focus on the New Moon manifesting energy.

After our journey, we will have a short break, for snacks and chatting. Then the journey continues, with Patrick channeling a group of beings, consisting of Elders, Enlightened Masters and his own Truest Self. Patrick's laid-back approach to all things spiritual is reflected in his approach to channeling as well. He sees channeling as a group experience...everyone as integral as the next...where active listeners are as important as the messages being shared. Come with an open mind and open are encouraged to see yourself as an important part of the channeling experience.

From Patrick: "I am going to be in the Twin Cities, from June 10th through June 13th, for two very powerful events that celebrate you, as you are...a perfect manifestation of 'LOVE in the human experience'...while helping you to open to more of your unlimited potential and manifest that potential in your life. Taking advantage of the traditional symbolism, of the New Moon as a manifesting moon, we will explore that power within ourselves...through a special Guided Meditation and Channel Session (and the company of other amazing human beings, eh?).

Folks, who attended the last Guided Meditation/Channeling experience of healing and attuning to that healing power with ourselves...have shared their very profound experiences with me. I am grateful to have been of service to them. It is my Joy to help my sisters and brothers experience more of their magnificence.

The next three month period is set to be an opportunity for great unfolding through Joy. Many of you have experienced the last 6 to 9 months (even now, a bit, yeah?) as a period of great change and (perhaps) stripping away of the old. If that time felt heavy, this next period is set to open us and expand our conscious choices to live from our Joy and our Freedom...effortless abundance becoming more the norm (Yay!).

These events, the personal sessions I am offering, and my visits to the Twin Cities, throughout the Summer, are a fulfillment of my "Yes!" to live out loud, and to be the conduit and servant that I came to be. I look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you and to your friends. Please check out this event listing, and help me spread the word. Thank you for saying "Yes!" to being on the planet at this time. You are an important reason why we are living in the best time to be alive. Blessings!"

* ~ *~ * ~ PLUS * ~ *~ * ~


Friday thru Sunday, June 11 - 13
(give or take a day on each end)

Patrick Sterenchuk is offering private sessions while visiting Minneapolis-St Paul. These sessions are a combination of energy healing, intuitive information, and connecting with your own inner guidance.

Session possibilities include:
- Intuitive Readings
- Energetic Healing
- Guided Imagery/Visualization
-- Including:
- Past-Life Regression/Future-Life Progression -- Experience, first hand, events from other lives...and gain valuable insights into your current life...
- "Reconnect" -- a wonderful opportunity to bypass the psychic and have a personal experience with a deceased loved-one...all through the power of you...
- "Checking In" -- a personal, one-on-one experience with your own spirit guides, angels, etc.

Contact for appointments & pricing:

Patrick Sterenchuk is a Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive Guide, and Healer who is visiting from Dubuque, Iowa. For 17 years, Patrick has helped people to live more fulfilling lives. Patrick's practice involves spiritual guidance, intuitive work, energetic healing work, meditation instruction, guided imagery work (including past-life regression), and Laughter Yoga.

Patrick has been intuitive since he was a small child. Over the years, and through his profession, he has refined his skills so well that he is easily able to put his personal beliefs aside and is able to focus on the energy of you.

When he reads for you, the intention he sets is of the upmost vibration. It's not about fortune telling, telling you what you are doing wrong in your life, or telling you only what you'd like to hear.

"The intention he sets is to assist you in connecting with your higher self, so that you may receive exactly what is needed in that moment, the information your highest self wants you to know so that you may live out your most joyous life." -- Pam E. (N. America)

PLEASE feel free to invite your friends and share this information with others!! Thanks~
Information to share is also at